Sabnzbd Download Failed Out Of Your Servers Retention

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I attached the image. Install usb windows 7 tool Please tell me how to make 'udf iso' or other trick to solve this problem.which the error show on screen.

Configure Sabnzbd to retry failed downloads. Automatically Replace and Retry Failed. New nzb download on failure’ you can tell Sabnzbd to grab a. Jan 16, 2014 Okay so I'm new to SABNZBd, downloaded my first file last night and under the history column I see it states that the download has failed - 'the file is out of your.

Forum rules Help us help you: • Are you using the latest stable version of SABnzbd?. • Tell us what system you run SABnzbd on. • Adhere to the. • Do you experience problems during downloading? Check your connection in Status and Interface settings window. Use Test Server in Config > Servers. We will probably ask you to do a test using only.


• Do you experience problems during repair or unpacking? Enable +Debug logging in the Status and Interface settings window and share the relevant parts of the log here using [ code ] sections. Hi, newbie here. I keep getting this error with a couple of files I'm trying to download. Download failed - out of your server's retention?


I only have one server added in SABnzbd so how could it be out of retention if my downloader is seeing it on the server? Since I only had one.

I've tried many different nzb files for those files not working. I am on giganews on the pearl ($4.99/month) plan as I'm just trying it out. Giganews is meant to have 1000+ days binary retention, yet these files, from less than 6 months ago, don't work.

I've tried a few different search engines -, nzbclub etc. I'm using windows vista and the latest version of sabnzbd if that makes a difference. Please help.thanks. Gidday, I too have had this problem and I think the threads above do indicate a possible resolution.

To spell it out for the layman (me) I did the following: Issue: running SABNZBD on NAS ds110j gave me this 'server out of retention' error continuously. My fix = my problem was that in the SABZBD client I had set the retention period to 30 days when I installed it. [in SABNZBD client go to Config Servers].

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I changed this to 900 as my astraweb server has a retention period > 1000, then got back into some nzbs downloads. This seemed to fix the issue. Looking back the nzbs files that started failing were all over 30 days so I hope my config change has done trick.