Install Windows 1 01 Dosbox For Mac

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First, you’ll need to create a folder on your computer. This folder will contain the contents of the “C:” drive you’ll provide to DOSBox.

Install Windows 1 01 Dosbox Full. Other operating systems such as Mac OS. INI file within Windows Notepad. Install Windows 1 01 Dosbox Full. Need help Installing Windows 1.0. (which directory do you want to install Windows into. I've ssuccesfully installed and played with windows 1.01.

Don’t use your actual C: drive on Windows for this. Make a folder like “C: dos”, for example. Create a folder inside the “C: dos” folder — for example, “C: dos INSTALL” — and copy all the files from your Windows 3.1 floppy disks to that folder. Windows 3.1 is still under Microsoft copyright, and can’t legally be downloaded from the web, although many websites do offer it for download and Microsoft no longer offers it for sale. You can use Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 — whichever you have available.

Next, install and launch. DOSBox supports standard VGA graphics.

However, it also supports some other types of graphics. By default, it’s set up to emulate S3 Graphics. For best graphics support, you’ll want to install the S3 graphics drivers and configure Windows 3.1 to use a higher resolution and more colors. You can download the S3 video driver from. Unzip file to a folder inside your DOSBox C: drive folder. For example, it would make sense to put these files in the “C: dos s3” folder.

In Windows 3.1, double-click the Main program folder and double-click the “Windows Setup” icon. Click the “Options” menu in the Windows Setup window and select “Change System Settings.” Click the “Display” box, scroll down to the bottom, and select “Other display (Requires disk from OEM).” Type the path to the S3 drivers. For example, if you unzipped them to the C: dos s3 folder, you’d type “C: S3” here.

Choose your preferred resolution and colors. We recommend choosing 800×600 with 256 colors. This is the highest resolution and number of colors many games will support. Click OK several times. Windows will install the drivers and you’ll be prompted to restart it. After you do, you’ll see your new graphical settings in effect. If Windows won’t work properly after you select a display mode, run the following command after using the “cd windows” command to enter the Windows directory: setup.exe You’ll then be able to select a different video mode.

Install Sound Drivers There’s one more driver issue to take care of. Windows 3.1 doesn’t include sound drivers that will work completely with the SoundBlaster sound hardware DOSBox is emulating. You’ll want to install those, too. As with the S3 video driver, you can download the Sound Blaster 16 Creative Audio Driver from.

Install Windows For Free

Unzip the downloaded archive into a folder like c: dos sb Exit Windows 3.1 by clicking “File” and selecting “Exit Windows” if it’s open in DOSBox. Run the following commands to launch the Sound Blaster 16 driver installer, assuming you unzipped the folder to c: dos sb cd c: sb install.exe Press Enter to install the drivers, select Full Installation, and press Enter again. By default, you’ll see the line: “Microsoft Windows 3.1 path: None”. Select “Microsoft Windows 3.1 path” with the arrow keys and press Enter.


Enter the default path, which is C: WINDOWS, and press Enter. Press Enter again to continue. On the next screen, select the “Interrupt setting: 5” value and press Enter. It’s set to 5 by default, but DOSBox’s default is 7. Select “7” for the Interrupt Setting and press Enter. You can then press Enter to continue.

Allow the installation process to finish and “reboot” your DOS system by closing DOSBox and reopening it. Launch Windows 3.1 again and you’ll have full sound support, including support for MIDI audio.

You should hear a sound as soon as you launch Windows 3.1 again. Install and Run Games and Other Applications To actually use an application, download it (or copy it from old disks) and place it in a folder inside your c: dos folder. For example, you might want to place it in c: dos gamename. You can then create a shortcut to the game’s.exe file by clicking File > New and browsing to its.exe file. Double-click that shortcut to launch the game.

The game should just work, launching within the DOSBox window as if it were running on Windows 3.1 — after all, it is. You don’t have to go through this entire setup process again in the future, either.