Context Menu Manager Crack

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Context Menu Manager is an excellent tool to view and manage installed shell extensions. If available, it displays the description, as well as version details. Found 6 results for Context Menu Manager. Full version downloads available, all hosted on high speed servers!

Public Constructors Name Description Constructs a CContextMenuManager object. CContextMenuManager::~CContextMenuManager Destructor. Adobe premiere pro cs5 templates free download. Public Methods Name Description Adds a new shortcut menu. Returns a handle to the menu associated with the provided resource ID. Returns a handle to the menu that matches the provided menu name. Returns a list of menu names.

Loads shortcut menus stored in the Windows registry. Clears the shortcut menus from the context menu manager.

Windows 10 context menu manager

Saves shortcut menus to the Windows registry. Controls whether the CContextMenuManager closes the active shortcut menu when it shows a new shortcut menu. Displays the specified shortcut menu. Displays the specified shortcut menu. Returns the index of the selected menu command. CContextMenuManager manages shortcut menus and makes sure that they have a consistent appearance.

Windows 10 Context Menu Manager

You should not create a CContextMenuManager object manually. The framework of your application creates the CContextMenuManager object. However, you should call when your application is initialized. After initializing the context manager, use the method to obtain a pointer to the context manager for your application. You can create shortcut menus at runtime by calling AddMenu. If you want to show the menu without first receiving user input, call ShowPopupMenu. TrackPopupMenu is used when you want to create a menu and wait for user input.


TrackPopupMenu returns the index of the selected command or 0 if the user exited without selecting anything. The CContextMenuManager can also save and load its state to the Windows registry. BOOL AddMenu( UINT uiMenuNameResId, UINT uiMenuResId); BOOL AddMenu( LPCTSTR lpszName, UINT uiMenuResId); Parameters [in] uiMenuNameResId A resource ID for a string that contains the name for the new menu. [in] uiMenuResId The menu resource ID.

[in] lpszName A string that contains the name for the new menu. Return Value Nonzero if the method was successful; 0 if the method fails. Remarks This method fails if uiMenuResId is invalid or if another menu with the same name already is in the CContextMenuManager. HMENU GetMenuByName( LPCTSTR lpszName, UINT* puiOrigResID = NULL) const; Parameters [in] lpszName A string that contains the name of the menu to retrieve.

[out] puiOrigResID A pointer to an UINT. This parameter contains the resource ID of the specified menu, if found. Return Value A handle to the menu that matches the name that was specified by lpszName. NULL if there is no menu called lpszName. Remarks If this method finds a menu that matches lpszName, GetMenuByName stores the menu resource ID in the parameter puiOrigResID.

Virtual BOOL LoadState(LPCTSTR lpszProfileName = NULL); Parameters [in] lpszProfileName A string that contains the relative path of a registry key. Return Value Nonzero if the method is successful; otherwise 0. Remarks The lpszProfileName parameter is not the absolute path for a registry entry. It is a relative path that is added to the end of the default registry key for your application. To get or set the default registry key, use the methods and respectively. Use the method to save the shortcut menus to the registry. Virtual BOOL SaveState(LPCTSTR lpszProfileName = NULL); Parameters [in] lpszProfileName A string that contains the relative path of a registry key.