C Program To Implement Dictionary Using Hashing Definition

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Hi, i have built a hash table dictionary based on the linked list class, the List and Meaning classes are working correctly. Img friendly family medicine residency. So i haven't included those, apologies if there is a lot of code but it is difficult to explain what i am doing without showing all the necessary code. This code looks up a word (input by the user at a command prompt)in the hash table dictionary and outputs a message saying 'word found or word not found'. But what i need it also to display is the actual word together with its meaning list if there is more than one meaning.

Write a C Program to implement hashing. Hashing is the function or routine used to assign the key values to the each entity in the database. Using hashing, We can easily access or search the values from database. In this program we used the open addressing hashing, also called as closed hashing. Implementing a Stack in Python¶ Now that we have clearly defined the stack as an abstract data type we will turn our attention to using Python to implement the. Dictionaries, Hash-Tables and Sets. For this task using a dictionary is a really. Another option would be using SortedDictionary. An Extensive Examination of Data. Quick Way to Implement Dictionary in C. Section 6.6 of The C Programming Language presents a simple dictionary. I think use lookup table and hashing.

I have tried several attempts (understatement!) to use a eg.cout. I don't see your IndDicT class, so i don't really know how it works.

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IndDicT::traverse() appears to print a list of meanings with dictionary[i].meaningList->printList(); so all you have to do is something like found->printList(); to print the definitions, right? Or do you mean you want to overload the.

@Hardell Make sure your hashtable is big enough. A hashtable is expected to have plenty collisions if it is filled by more than 70-80%! If you want to add 100 words, the hashtable should at least have a size of 130 to 140, bigger is better (e.g. If you use modulo (%) to crop the hash to the hashtable size, as you do, there is no need for a power of 2 size. Power of 2 sizes are only needed if you want to use AND ( &) to crop the hash, as AND is several times faster than modulo.


– Jan 19 '13 at 19:40 1. @Hardell: I think you somehow have the incorrect belief that good hashtables are supposed to be collision free. Rather the opposite is true. Even the best hashtable implementations written by the greatest expert in the world do have plenty of collisions when being filled with real life data. This is absolutely unavoidable. And having only two to four collisions per index is a great value, I don't understand why you complain about that. It's rather how you deal with collisions than how you avoid them.

See comments on collisions I added to my answer. – Jan 20 '13 at 22:33. Firstly, I create a hash table with the size of a prime number which is the closes to the number of the words I have to store, and then I use a hash function to find an address for each word. Return (hashAddress%hashTableSize); Since the number of different hashes is comparable to the number of words you cannot expect to have much lower collisions. I made a simple statistical test with a random hash (which is the best you could achieve) and found that 26% is the limiting collision rate if you have #words == #different hashes.